A Special Day for Fred

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Yes gorgeous Fred turned 4 on the 18th August and I wanted him to know it. So I gave him a little party- much to my sisters dismay! :P

I made him some savoury treats using this recipe as a base. But I didn't add the sweet ingredients or decorations. I would say you probably need all of the ingredients as they were rather crumbly! But Fred LOVED them. I did take him for a long birthday walk to run them off afterwards!

Paper Cake Flag:
- Cut a bone shape from coloured card
- Add detail with a sharpie
- Glue gun to a cocktail stick or lolly stick. 

I also made some paper bone garlands. Super easy to do:

- Just cut out various coloured bones from card, coloured paper and wrapping.
- Use your sewing machine to sew through the centres, move the foot to the next bone and keep sewing.
- Change your needle afterwards as paper will blunt it.
- Hang with blue tac or nails.

I hope you enjoyed these adorable pictures of Fred. He had a fab day, even though he probably thought I was going insane; making him wear that hat again and letting him eat a plate of treats!

He slept for the rest of the day!

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