Hi everyone!
I know that some of you really enjoy reading about the behind the scenes parts of Jessalli. And I know I haven't been doing that for quite a long time, so today I'm writing an updates post!
Well where do I start!...
Can't believe it's year 3 of running Jessalli full time! The past couple years have gone so so quick! It's amazing to still be able to live the dream!
At the moment I'm working on a few main things:
1. The Handmade Fair at Hampton Court Palace.
Some of you may know I'm going to Kirstie Allsopp's first craft fair in September! Tickets will be available soon so make sure you get involved!
Click here to go to their site!
It's my first ever BIG fair, so I'm both nervous and excited! I'm planning my displays for my stand and trying to get stock together!
So if you see me in the workshop with piles of cut out shapes, cushion panels and zips- you know why! No ideas how much I should make though, so I'm just making as much as my hands and brain can handle in between all your orders!
2. Our first ever catalogue!
Yes you heard it here first! I'm working my bottom off planning a catalogue for next year! So you'll be able to have one this Winter!
It's a step towards building the sales aspect of the business, Our online sales are really picking up now and for ease of use to you guys to order anytime of the day I really want to push that. You can order in the middle of the night if you so wish, I want to make sure you all get the chance to order at a good time for you!
I'm designing a small catalogue with info and a few posh product photos to get you inspired by country homewares. I'm lucky to have a friend who is coming in to do all the tricky computer things, so it's as professional as possible! So will keep you updated on this!
3. Going Wholesale!!
Another BIG change. I've had a little bit of interest from shops recently, so with this in mind I've decided to open up a small range of products to be made to order for shops too!
It's also a good way of getting regular orders, as this is something that doesn't happen with retail sales. Selling to you guys is obviously my main priority but for some odd reason after a quiet lull, you all seem to order at the same times which I find so funny.
So wholesale to me would mean I'll get orders hopefully in between these times, and at regular intervals.
It's a huge leap as I have to make sure my prices and margins are right, so I hope you bare with me on this! I'm not neglecting you all I promise! It's just a stage I need to take. And I hope you'll all be supportive!
4. Women in Making Competition!
If you follow my posts on facebook, I'm sure you're all probably sick of me blabbing on about Triumph's Women in Making Competition!
I'd love to be a part of it though, and the opportunity is too HUGE to miss out on! There's only 23 days left until they shortlist a small amount of us to be viewed by the judging panel so I'd love for you all to vote for me!
Thanks in advance and I hope you enjoyed this honest blog post! Feedback is much appreciated!
Love Sophia x