I'm very lucky to have an incredible family, who always support me and love everything I do. Recently my cousin wanted me to make her daughter a cute little dress from my Meadow© Print Fabric. And my baby cousin is the most gorgeous girlie in the world- so of course I said yes!
It was slightly harder for me to make as I couldn't see, measure or try the dress parts on her as they live in Wales. I had to rely on measurements given by my auntie whilst she babysat. From these measurements I drafted my own pattern. I made one bodice up and decided it looked a little too big, so started again.
I didn't make it in the most conventional way, as I didn't have a pattern and I've never made a little dress before! But I'm happy with the way it turned out considering. I finished the back with cute little yellow buttons and a bow.
The pleated skirt took some maths, and I wasn't totally happy with the back of it as it didn't sit well. But with a pleated design, the skirt looks full and classic so I was happy with the overall effect. I lined the inside with plain yellow as I thought it brought out the colour in the bumble bees.
Doesn't she look adorable in it!?
You can buy my Meadow© Print Fabric HERE. If you do make something, please tag me on social media as I'd love to see your creations!
A huge thank you to my cousin for taking these adorable pictures!
I hope I've inspired some of you to try something new! Happy Handmade!
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